Wednesday, May 25, 2011

HSGD Day 3: 900 calories

I have become completely obsessed with running!  I've been spending all my time looking up running gear, tips for maximizing your run, avoiding injuries, training towards really long runs (like marathons), etc. lol and I just barely started last week :)  I'm addicted though and I don't see myself ever stopping haha...

Unfortunately, my school work has been suffering because of this.  I've been waking up early everyday, making me too tired by the time I get home after work to study.  I've also been spending a bunch of time in the evenings looking up all that stuff I mentioned (and NOT doing homework...).

Anyway, I know I need to focus but I'm really happy and excited about running so for now I'm not going to try to ruin it by worrying too much.  I know I'll get all my stuff done when it comes down to it...  I hate cramming/stressing but it works for me, and the time crunch always forces me to focus and study my butt off.

[x]4 mile jog/walk

[x] Odwalla Vanilla Al'mondo Protein Smoothie ~290
[x] 1 Heart Thrive Energy Bar ~160
[x] 1 piece veggie wrap + salad ~100
[] 4 slices vegan pizza ~400
[] 1 orange~100
Total ~800


  1. Running is such a good thing to get into. Great job on being motivated :)

  2. I'm so glad you've taken up running. It really is the best.

  3. I just ran a 5k and it was awesome. Felt really good to finish it. Running is a lot of fun.

  4. Haha, I cannot run, but I know tons of people in my family that do, and they love it!
    I can see why you could get addicted to it. :)
    Hooray for motivation!
    Good luck with school, and running, and just everything in general!
    You can do it! :)
    Have a great day!
    Hang in there and stay strong love! <3

  5. It's good to have a hobby, sometimes school has to suffer.

    /S / http://

  6. Running is amazing and it feels so amazing afterwards so keep it up :)you'd be surprised how much you can actually run so you will be running long distance in no time. I like 9 mile runs, and i always make a point to map out my run ahead of time and listen to music while running because it rele helps.
