Monday, December 14, 2015


I ate way too much last night.  This is how it always goes--you make it through most of the day, then in the last few hours before going to bed you eat up a storm.  My boyfriend made some food and it looked so good that I had to take a bite.  Then he said, "Go ahead and eat the rest of it, I'm making more for myself that isn't vegetarian."  !!!

When I weighed myself this morning, I wanted to ignore the numbers thinking they would decrease if I weighed myself a little later in the day. (Again, this is part of the denial that I have been going through the past few years.)  I decided to stick with it, knowing that if the numbers really are lower, then it will show up on the scale tomorrow.

Today I had:

1 scoop of protein powder
1 homemade ice cream sandwich
~2 handfuls of nachos

The actual food was terrible, but I'm hoping the small amount will make up for it.  I need to work my way up to restricting food again.

BTW I also ran about 2.3ish miles today :)


  1. Hey, welcome back! I don't know about the blogs you follow, but most of the ones I have followed in the past are no longer around. I still follow the ones that exist because, like you, and me, people tend to come back.
    It's good that you're running. Personally, I can't lose weight just restricting, so I absolutely have to work out a lot. Keep up the good work!

    1. Yes! I went down memory lane yesterday unfollowing the blogs that have been deleted. But it was nice re-reading the ones that are still up, even if they haven't been updated in years.

  2. I find I weigh the very least first thing in the morning. I never weigh myself later in the day unless I've had very little and did some aerobic stuff.

    1. If I could have my way, I would weigh myself a couple hours after I wake up. For some reason, that's when I weigh the least. Usually though, I'm running out the door late for work :)
