Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Well you can probably tell by my last post that I am not in a happy mood right now (due to the yuckiness in my belly) so in order to cheer myself up I decided that I would move on to the HSGD!

I know I said that I didn't want to count calories, but I have been anyway to make sure I'm getting "enough."  I really liked the structure that came with ABC, plus I like having to build my meals to a specific number everyday (makes it more interesting!) but my boyfriend (me too) wants me to be healthier and eat more (healthy foods of course).  So voila! the HSGD seems to be perfect for my needs :) I actually can't believe I didn't think of it earlier...  I will be doing cardio at least 4 times a week (except that I'm getting addicted so I might make it waaay more), but I don't think I'll subtract calories burned from my intake.  I'll also count fruits/vegetables because (1) I'm vegan, so what else do I eat really, and (2) half of the calories that go into my protein smoothies are from fruits and veggies (and half of my calories for the day come from those protein shakes...).

The plan is designed to start on a Monday, so I'm going to wait until then to start counting.  Maybe by then I won't even need to do it because I'll finally get used to eating loads of food and not having a real calorie limit (doubt it.).  But just thinking about it and planning it makes me feel better already :)  

Numbers are seriously my best friend <3 Calories, time, percentages lol (I'm about to graduate with a B.S. in Applied Mathematics haha I looooove numbers)


  1. I'm sorry your stomach isn't feeling well! Good luck on the HSGD!

  2. Yay for the HSGD!
    Sounds like an amazing plan. :)
    You can totally do this!
    We all believe in you and are here for you. :D
    I am really beginning to love numbers myself.
    All this, it is just a big numbers game.
    You can really get competitive with yourself over it, haha!
    My best guy friend is a Mathematics and Communications major at our university; I do not know how he does it!
    I hope that today goes better for you!
    Hang in there, love. <3

  3. Hey

    thanks for following, just read your blog and the HSGD sounds awsome, might follow it myself cause I have been so bad recently.

  4. Hey pretty lady, I just started reading your blog. First off, I think its awesome you're vegan. I've always wanted to try it, but I'm afraid that real protein is the only thing that makes me feel full. Is that silly? What do you put in your protein shakes? And secondly, Love the HSGD diet. The ABC diet has always scared me. I get killer migraines when I eat that little. Good luck and keep us updated:)

  5. That sounds like a better, healthier diet. I've never heard of it before so that's cool that you are still taking a more healthy approach to weight loss.
    Good luck.
