Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HSGD Day 2: 800

Plan for today:
[x]Odwalla Vanilla Almondo protein smoothie~300
[]1 orange~100
[]4 slices of vegan pizza~400

Already jogged/walked 4 miles and burned ~250 :)

Thanks Thin or not, unbeautiful, and Ana's Addict for your support!  I really am feeling so much better now that I know I have control over something, and now that I have a routine again :) 

The only problem is I need to refocus on my school work but I've been too tired after work (I've been getting up 2 hours earlier everyday so that I can exercise) so I've really been slacking.  The quarter is winding down, which means finals are coming up (and I'm so behind in half of my classes!).  In 3 weeks I'll be graduating frrom university!!! (Uh, as long as I pass these classes lol...)  Meh, too much stress on me! I missed my last period, which always happens to me when I get too stressed out :(

And my boyfriend wants me to try to finish my HW early this week so we can go to a party on Thursday at his friends' apartment. Early?!? I usually can't even finish my HW on time!  Oh, and we'll be drinking, which means I need to save some calories for that night..  But I also need to eat beforehand (I know my boyfriend will check up on me to make sure I did), so I'm thinking about skipping my after-workout protein shake and using those calories on alcohol.  Which doesn't make any sense if I'm trying to be healthy (swapping protein for alcohol?!) but I don't want anything to go wrong with this new diet plan, especially because (1) I just barely started it and (2) I know I can actually get through the whole plan without worrying about other people (i.e., there are plenty of calories everyday so I don't have to worry too much about eating out with family/friends, etc.). Soooo I refuse to go over my allotted calories on Thursday even though I know it would be healthier to have the protein smoothie.


  1. I just finished my second semester of college so I know it's rough those last couple of weeks but keep hanging in there. Maybe use some of the time you work out to instead do your homework. You have to find the balance between food/school/exercise. Homework is very important. Imagine how great it'll be to graduate and be skinny! So focus a little bit more on school and you'll be set. You can do it!

  2. I know college is tough.
    Believe me, I am about to start my senior year.
    But you can do this. :)
    You are strong and determined; I have seen this in you.
    Good luck with everything!
    Hang in there love. <3

  3. Try to stay focused and you'll do great on your finals! Plus, you're doing so awesome with your intake, its great that you're trying really hard not to go over!
