Thursday, June 30, 2011

Almost binged just now.  I got home and I started eating an avocado roll that my boyfriend gave me.  Whenever I eat these sushi things, I bite them in half so that I get the middle filling part but only half the rice.  So the whole thing had 140 calories but I'm pretty sure I had no more than 100.  But once I started eating it (usually have salad for lunch/dinner) I wanted mooreee fooodd. I ate 3 mini rice cakes.  Then a handful of dark chocolate chunks. A handful of soy nuts. A pecan cookie.  12 prunes.  A regular rice cake.  With peanut butter.  Finally finished with my mango salad.  Ended up with around 600 calories according to the SGD (didn't count my mango salad cals--it was just 1/2 cup of mango and a ton of romaine lettuce).  I stopped when I realized how I must've looked.  Just shoving everything around me into my mouth. Anything I could get my hands on.  It was disgusting. So I stopped.  Thank goodness, I was supposed to have 500 calories today anyway, so i didn't do too badly.

Started chewing some gum to distract myself.  I wasn't physically hungry anymore, but I knew if I had the chance I would end up eating anyway.  Then came on here to check out the thinspo on all your blogs.  Remembered that the only way I'd ever get close to being skinny is if I stop eating.  Took some fiber.  Apparently I get enough fiber because of all the fruits and veggies I eat on a daily basis.  So my fiber supplement isn't really necessary...  Whatever,, I don't want any extra poop weight in my body ever.

Oh, in my diet and exercise class we had to weigh ourselves and find out body fat %.  I was really anxious because I felt like I could pee (even though I made sure not to drink any water 1.5 hrs prior to when we would be weighed) and I didn't want to weigh more than I really do just because I was full of pee!  Anyway, the scale read 113.6, which is not bad considering I didn't pee beforehand and I had a bagel and a banana earlier in the day.  The surprising part was my body fat %.  I thought it would be super high because I can tell that my body is mostly fat and very little muscle.  But it wasn't.  According to my class (these numbers vary based on different sources), 16.7-24.9% is normal, above 25% is overweight and under 16.7 is lean.  Somehow my body fat % is 16.5 :)  Nice little birthday present :)  Except that literally the second I got home I went through a mini binge....  


  1. Cheer up :)

    It could've been a lot worse but you were strong enough to stop :D

    There's always tomorrow.


  2. Kudos to you for being able to stop the binge before it got completely out of control!
    Well done on your BF%!
    I would die if my BF was ever that low. :P
    Stay positive, stay beautiful! <3
