Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hmmm.... For some reason I've been in a good mood (for the most part) this entire week!  Usually I would be obsessing about food/weight/whatever other problem I decide to focus on, but something's different this week.

I think it's because I finally stopped stressing about losing weight.  I don't need to guilt myself into not eating anymore.  Now that I've relaxed about it, it's just coming naturally.  I don't WANT to eat anymore because I WANT to lose weight.  I don't know what I was thinking before lol but guilt is definitely not the way to do it.

Last night I ate my 200 calories of pizza, but I ate it more quickly than usual and ended up really hungry at around 10.  Normally this would be late enough to ignore, but I was trying to finish up some homework and the combination was giving me a headache.  So I had a clementine (an extra 40 cals).  Later I had a couple pieces of trail mix (~20 calories).  Then I went to bed.  And I didn't feel guilty about any of it!!!  I just ate what I needed to WHEN I needed to.  I had to get my blood sugar up so I ate as little as possible to do so.  I finished off the day with less than 300 calories, which sounds good to me.  The extra calories I added were from nuts and fruits anyway (as opposed to an Oreo or something), so it would have been hard for me to feel guilty about eating a healthy snack.

Today I'm feeling really hungry.  Especially because I woke up an hour early to finish my homework.  But I've already gotten through my classes for the day, so all I need is to get through work.  (AGH my stomach just growled really loudly lol) Anyway, once I get home I'll be able to eat while working on homework, so I should be fine.  (and if I need a little more food, I'll wait, take a tiny bite of something, and then move on)

:D so happy/excited for some reason lol!


  1. Thank you so much for the motivation Elle. I HAVE to remember that so I can stay on target = )
